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Safes By Use Case: On-Premise Data Security

In today's digital age, protecting your on-premise digital assets is as crucial as securing physical valuables. Our selection of data safes offers an advanced solution for safeguarding sensitive electronic media from both physical and environmental threats. Designed to meet the stringent requirements, such as UL Class 125 certification, these safes provide a fortress for your digital data, ensuring that hard drives, USBs, CDs, and other digital media are shielded from fire, dust, and unauthorized access.

Data safes, also known as media safes, are specifically engineered to protect electronic storage devices. Unlike standard safes, these are built with insulation that keeps the internal temperature below 125°F and humidity levels under 80% even during a fire. This level of protection is crucial for preserving the integrity of digital information, which can be irreversibly damaged by heat and moisture at much lower thresholds than paper documents.